gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe senior Army commander dies – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe senior Army commander dies

Brigadier-General Crispan Masuku
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The Commander Zimbabwe National Army, Lieutenant General Edzai Absalom

Chanyuka Chimonyo has announced the untimely death of Brigadier General

Crispan Masuku.

He was 61.

The brigadier general passed on this morning, 13 May 2020 at 0200 hours at the United Bulawayo Hospital in Bulawayo.

Brig-Gen Crispan Masuku is one of the army Commanders who was under the sanctioned imposed on individuals who were deemed as enablers to the President Robert Mugabe’s regime by the Western powers.

In 2014, he stood in for the late President Robert Mugabe and conferred new ranks to 23 promoted lieutenant colonels.

Mourners are gathered at House Number 7, Masfield Road, Malindela, Bulawayo.

Source – Byo24