gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF blasts EU for Zimbabwe economic sanctions renewal – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF blasts EU for Zimbabwe economic sanctions renewal

Farai Marapira
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ZANU PF has jumped to the defence of Zimbabwe’s security sector in its latest rant after the European Union’s (EU) extension of sanctions targeted on Zimbabwe Defence Industries (ZDI).

Sanctions on ZDI were extended by a year to February 20, 2025.

They will enforce an embargo on arms trade by the ZDI as the institution is viewed as an enabler of abuse of basic human rights by the Zanu PF government.

The security sector, which benefited from ZDI’s operation has been marred by unending claims of abuse, including state-sponsored abductions, extra-judicial killings and disregard for perceived opposition figures’ rights.

Zanu PF Director for Information and Publicity, Farai Marapira said the security sector championed professionalism and did not deserve to be punished, especially as President Emmerson Mnangagwa had announced re-engagement.

He added that the move ‘undermined’ efforts to rebuild Zimbabwe.

“As Zanu PF, we are disappointed but not surprised to learn about the EU’s decision to extend the arms embargo on Zimbabwe. This decision further undermines our efforts to build a prosperous nation,” said Marapira.

“The EU must recognize our comprehensive reforms and engage constructively thereby. These reforms are undeniably palpable.

“Zimbabwe’s security forces have championed professionalism and adherence to human rights. It’s time to restore trust, foster dialogue, and lift these outdated restrictions.

“The President, Mnangagwa, has clearly stated that Zimbabwe stands ready to work with the EU and demonstrate our commitment to a peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe,” he added.

Despite the call for re-engagement, Mnangagwa’s administration has failed to court the West which still maintains he has failed.

Source: Newzim