gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mahere demands answers Vladimir Putin’s helicopters – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mahere demands answers Vladimir Putin’s helicopters

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HARARE – Citizens Coalition for Change spokesperson, Advocate Fadzayi Mahere, has taken to Twitter to demand answers over the purchase of Kazan Ansat helicopters by the Harare regime.

The helicopters, which didn’t go through any procurement processes, were allegedly bought for $10 million each, four times more than their official market price of $2.5 million.

Mahere raised several concerns regarding the purchase of the helicopters. Firstly, she questioned whether there was a proper tender process to ensure transparency and fairness.

“Was there a tender for the helicopters? Are they able to make it public?” Mahere tweeted.

She then asked for proof of technical capacity to operate these aircraft and whether they can make a difference in Zimbabwe’s dysfunctional public health ecosystem, where basic medical supplies like paracetamol are often in short supply.

“Do we have the technical capacity to operate them? Can they make a difference in a dysfunctional public health ecosystem?” She added.

Additionally, Mahere pointed out that having helicopters is of little use if there are no helipads, water, or medical supplies at the destinations. “What happens if you’re airlifted & there’s no heli-pad, no water & no paracetamol?”

She urged the regime to prioritize the country’s pressing needs such as addressing the struggling economy and improving the healthcare system.

The purchase of overpriced helicopters without proper scrutiny is yet another example of the corruption and mismanagement rampant in Zimbabwe’s government.

Citizens Coalition for Change will continue to demand accountability and transparency from the regime in Harare.

Source – CCC