gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chipinge man hangs after being assaulted by daughter – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chipinge man hangs after being assaulted by daughter

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CHIPINGE-A Chipinge woman allegedly assaulted her father, who later committed suicide. In a separate incident, another man committed suicide over an undisclosed matter.

Manicaland Provincial Police Spokesperson Inspector Nobert Muzondo confirmed both incidents to Chipinge Times.

He said the first incident happened on Monday last week. Mathias Ndlovu (59) of Garahwa Village, Chief Garahwa in Chipinge, hung himself after being allegedly assaulted by his daughter.

Around 10 pm, he told his wife, Rhoda Ndlovu (53), that he was going outside to smoke a cigarette. He did not return.
Rhoda informed their son, Solomon Rice, that Mathias had not returned. The two went to search for him but failed to find him.

They found three days later hanging from a Mopane Tree along a river bank. He left a suicide note alleging that he committed suicide because his daughter, Sarah, assaulted him.

In a separate incident, Alfred Mlambo (42) of Makocheredze Village under Chief Mutema hung himself in a bush on Friday last week over an undisclosed matter.

Circumstances are that on the day, Mlambo went to Chipinge Town with his wife, Shupikai Maposa. On their way back, he outpaced her and disappeared into a bush.

Maposa failed to locate him, and when she arrived home, she told their son Learnmore what had happened.

Learnmore then told her that Mlambo told him the family should search for him in a nearby bush should he go missing.
They searched and found Mlambo hanging. He did not leave a suicide note.