Prominent bishop sends nudes to daughter-in-law

Zion Christian Church Kumuka Kwavakafa (ZCCKK), Nhaudzashe Lyphet Matenda Mugaviri
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MASVINGO – A prominent bishop and leader of Zion Christian Church Kumuka Kwavakafa (ZCCKK), Nhaudzashe Lyphet Matenda Mugaviri has been suspended from conducting church services after he allegedly proposed love and sent his nude pictures to his elder brother’s daughter-in-law.

Bishop Matenda Mugaviri whose church is headquartered in Rutenga has three wives.

Lesly Mugaviri, the husband to Olinda Mashavave who received the nude messages confirmed the story to The Mirror. He said that his uncle started making advances towards his wife in March after a visit to his family in Harare where he was also attending a church meeting.

The Mirror has the bishop’s nude picture and steamy chats he made on WhatsApp.

The Mirror called Matenda- Mugaviri for a comment but he quickly said it’s a wrong number after realizing that he was speaking to The Mirror. Lesly said his uncle undertook to pay him three beasts by April 4, 2023, after he was caught but has since reneged on the pledge.

Bishop Matenda Mugaviri described his daughter-in-law as sexy adding that her big eyes struck him. He said that he wanted to have sex with her for one hour non-stop and pleaded for her nude pictures.

Matenda was caught after Mashavave alerted her husband to the advances. The husband then started chatting with the bishop without him knowing to the point that he then arranged a trip to Harare to have a nice time with the daughter-in-law. He only realized that he was in a trap when he got to Boka in Harare when one of his wives called him and told him of his mission.

Embarrassed, he had to turn back and travel 450km to Rutenga empty-handed.

“Ndoda kukupedza nyota yese kkkk1 hour ndichikwesha ngura kikikki. Srs hako ndotobva ndakasimba kikikik, ndodya mazondo,” reads some of the messages sent to Mashavave.