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Another former CIO Director dies

The late Ezekiel Tobias
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Harare, Zimbabwe – President Emmerson Mnangagwa has posthumously honored the late retired Director in the President’s Department, Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita, with the prestigious national hero status.

Chaunoita, affectionately known as Cde Zvenyika, passed away on Saturday, May 4, following a prolonged illness, as reported by The Chronicle.

The announcement of Chaunoita’s national hero status was conveyed by ZANU PF National Political Commissar, Mike Bimha, who delivered the message at Chaunoita’s residence in Harare.

Bimha conveyed Mnangagwa’s decision, stating, “His Excellency, the President and First Secretary of Zanu PF, Cde Dr E.D. Mnangagwa has conferred a National Hero Status to the late Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita who died on 4 May 2024. Mourners are gathered at House Number 19B Selsey Road, Waterfalls, Harare.”

The late Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita will be laid to rest at the National Heroes Acre in Harare, with the specific date of the interment yet to be announced.

In a letter dated May 7, 2024, addressed to the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Martin Rushwaya, ZANU PF Secretary for Administration, Obert Mpofu, reiterated Mnangagwa’s decision to confer national hero status upon Chaunoita.

“The late Cde Ezekiel Tobias Musiiwa Chaunoita will be interred at the National Heroes Acre, Harare, at a date to be announced,” the letter stated.

The announcement of Chaunoita’s national hero status has prompted arrangements for his burial and the provision of benefits to his family, with the letter being copied to various government officials, including the Minister of War Veterans, Detainees, Restrictees and their Welfare, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Local Government, Minister of Justice, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, and the Chairman-Harare Province.