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Woman Seeks Court Protection from Possessive Ex-Husband

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In a poignant plea for protection, a distraught Mutare woman, Kunashe Mare, has sought legal intervention to prevent her possessive ex-husband, Bornface Zvawashe, from coercing her into reconciliation.

Alleging persistent harassment and emotional abuse, Mare approached Mutare Civil Court seeking an order to bar Zvawashe from pressurizing her into resuming their relationship. The court granted Mare a protection order valid for the next five years.

Mare recounted a history of distress following their separation in 2011, with Zvawashe resorting to physical violence, verbal abuse, and threats in a bid to compel reconciliation. She revealed that Zvawashe had even demanded a refund of the bride price paid to her family during their marriage, a tactic she perceives as part of his relentless pursuit to reconcile at any cost.

Zvawashe’s aggressive behavior extended to harassing text messages and insults, with Mare expressing fear for her safety, particularly at her workplace where she is employed as a domestic worker.

In response, Zvawashe unabashedly admitted to the harassment, attributing it to his love for Mare and his desire to reconcile. He lamented Mare’s refusal to comply with his demands and accused her of disclosing private family matters to others, justifying his actions as expressions of frustration and affection.

Despite Mare’s assertions of infidelity and emotional turmoil, Zvawashe professed his enduring love for her, citing their shared history and two children as reasons for his persistence. He lamented the breakdown in communication with Mare’s family and expressed disappointment at their reluctance to support their reconciliation.

In his ruling, Magistrate Xavier Chipato urged the estranged couple to seek an amicable resolution for the sake of their children, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and mutual understanding.

The case underscores the complexities of domestic disputes and the profound impact of emotional abuse on individuals and families. As Mare seeks legal protection from her ex-husband’s coercive behavior, the court’s decision provides a crucial safeguard against further harassment and intimidation.