Woman bewitches hubby’s smallhouse

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DON’T mess with me!

That’s probably the message from Perpetua Denhere, a stay-at-home mother to would-be or rather, her husband hot shot lawyer, Vincent Denhere’s alleged girlfriends.

“I went to a prophet after Antonia Chikwandi had been in an affair with my husband. She used to call and harass me and the children, now she’s mad and roams aimlessly,” said Perpetua.

She added that she once went through her husband’s phone to read messages between him and Chikwandi.

“They used to text each other about making her the main wife and getting rid of me. It was painful to learn what my husband was planning,” she added.

After Chikwandi lost her marbles, Denhere allegedly went on to another woman  called Florence Mahlangu.

This time around things got nasty but Perpetua insists she had nothing to do with it.

“His car was vandalised in a botched robbery when he was coming from seeing her at Selborne Brooke. I had nothing to do with it,” she said.

Perpetua hoped that her husband had learnt his lesson because the affair had the potential to destroy his life.

“He was spending a lot of money on her and I told him to stop because he was even struggling to pay our son’s school fees. Men never learn nx!” she added.

But Mahlangu denied the allegations levelled against her. “I don’t know these people you are talking about,” she said.

Denhere said his wife should have first exhausted all avenues before talking to the Press. He also warned the Press against publishing the matter.

“Women can be strange when they are disappointed so publishing this will open a can of worms and I will not hesitate to take legal action. You can publish the story but the truth will come out and that’s where the litigation is,”  he said. – B-Metro