gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mutsvangwa Accuses Chiwenga For His Son’s Arrest – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mutsvangwa Accuses Chiwenga For His Son’s Arrest

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Harare,— In an unprecedented move, Zanu PF spokesman Chris Mutsvangwa launched a scathing attack on Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, seemingly linking him to the recent arrest of his son, Neville Mutsvangwa.

Neville faces charges of money laundering and illegal cash dealings, marking a significant escalation in tensions within Zimbabwe’s political circles.

Mutsvangwa vehemently defended his son’s innocence, denouncing the arrest as a ploy orchestrated by adversaries aiming to manipulate the justice system.

He insinuated that Chiwenga, without explicitly naming him, might be behind the incident, suggesting a power struggle within the ruling party.

While speaking to The Standard, Mutsvangwa emphasized his unwavering loyalty to President Mnangagwa, dismissing any insinuation of strained relations. This assertion comes despite Mutsvangwa’s recent dismissal from the cabinet for insubordination, highlighting the complexities of internal politics within Zanu PF.

Attempting to solidify his allegiance to Mnangagwa, Mutsvangwa recounted his long-standing association with the president since the liberation struggle era. He underscored his early involvement with Mnangagwa, juxtaposing it with Chiwenga’s timeline, insinuating a difference in their contributions to the struggle.

The timing of Neville Mutsvangwa’s arrest, just before his bail hearing, raises questions about the impartiality of Zimbabwe’s judiciary. With over 100 individuals already denied bail in similar cases related to currency dealings, the legal proceedings surrounding Neville’s case will be closely scrutinized, potentially reflecting broader political tensions within the country.

As Zimbabwe navigates these turbulent waters, the unfolding events serve as a stark reminder of the delicate balance of power within the ruling party and the broader implications for the country’s stability.