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Kasukuwere rocks Zanu PF

Saviour Kasukuwere
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Exiled Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere has given the ruling party sleepless nights especially in ZANU PF strongest area Mashonaland Central province.

Party leadership in Mashonaland Central province has failed to denounce Kasukuwere as they usually do to other opposition leaders.

In Mount Darwin which is the strongest district of ZANU PF, Kasukuwere is dominating with his candidates reportedly dishing money to the struggling electorate.

ZANU PF top officials in Mash Central where Kasukuwere also hails from has given up on Mount Darwin.

“We know he is strong in Mount Darwin but we will see what comes from it because so far no one dares to denounce him in his rural home,” the official said.

ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa described Kasukuwere as a thug.

“He should stop his ambitions because he is just a thug,” Mutsvangwa said.

MeanwhileKasukuwere successfully filed his nomination papers in absentia last Wednesday through his chief election agent Jacqueline Sande.

He however faces two arrest warrants issued back in 2019. The first one was issued after he failed to appear in court on four counts of criminal abuse of office and the second one after he failed to resubmit his passport to the clerk of court.

He dismissed the warrants as mere threats by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to deter him from travelling back to Zimbabwe for his political campaign.