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Parliament snubs Dabengwa

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ZANU PF Members of Parliament on Tuesday refused to observe a moment of silence in honour of the late ZPRA Intelligence Supremo Dumiso Dabengwa who was declared a National Hero on Sunday by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa had moved a motion that the August House honours Dabengwa.

“Dabengwa was not only a war veteran but a former member of this house, I would like to propose a minute of silence be observed lest a tribal card be raised in future,” Mliswa had proposed.

After ZANU PF Members of Parliament vehemently opposed the motion Deputy Speaker Tsitsi Gezi said, “We don’t observe minute of silence on heroes who are not members of this house.”

The refusal by Parliament to honour Dabengwa has hardened ZAPU officials who have declared that the funeral and burial of Dabengwa will not be led by the state but by ZAPU and the Dabengwa family.

On Tuesday morning ZAPU Secretary General, Strike Mkandla, told journalists at a press conference held at Dabengwa residence that they were grateful for the recognition of Dabengwa as a hero but not desperate for help.

Mkandla said they will accept the help that the State might offer but it must not be attached to them taking over the process.

He added that ZAPU are organising a memorial service to be held on Friday at White City stadium and if government representatives are available, they will be given a platform to speak.

Dabengwa will be buried at Ntabazinduna on Saturday.

MDC leader Nelson Chamisa, through his Treasurer General David Coltart, told mourners that he will be attending the memorial service and buried of the late struggle stalwart.