gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chebundo, Timevous Dump Chamisa, Join Zanu PF – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chebundo, Timevous Dump Chamisa, Join Zanu PF

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TWO senior MDC Alliance officials, Blessing Chebundo and Lilian Timevous this Wednesday dumped the Nelson Chamisa-led opposition party and joined the ruling Zanu PF.

The event took place at the State House in Harare where they were accepted into Zanu PF by President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

Chebundo is the former MP for Kwekwe Urban while Timevous served as senator for Midlands province before she was recalled from Parliament last year by Douglas Mwonzora who said she was no longer a member of the MDC-T.

In November last year, Tongai Matutu Masvingo Urban MP and senior MDC Alliance official, also left the opposition party and joined Zanu PF with the ruling party claiming more opposition officials were set to jump ship and join the former revolutionary party.

More details to follow…