gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Sex-scandal-accused Kembo Mohadi re-emerges – The Zimbabwe Mail

Sex-scandal-accused Kembo Mohadi re-emerges

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VICE PRESIDENT Kembo Mohadi was Wednesday seen in public following a series of recent news reports that he was involved of a string of affairs with various women.

He was at National Data Centre in Harare where President Emmerson Mnangagwa was officially open the centre.

Mohadi has been skipping major events such as the burial of former deputy police commissioner Moses Griffiths Mpofu who was declared a national hero and was buried at the National Heroes Acre. He is also reported to have skipped attending this weekly Cabinet meeting, which is chaired by Mnangagwa.

At Wednesday ceremony at the National Date Centre, Mohadi gave a vote of thanks after Mnangagwa had officially opened the centre.

There have been growing calls for Mohadi to resign as the VP following reports he was involved in intimate relationships including junior officers seconded to his Munhumutapa government office.

Source: Newzim