gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Man assaults wife over anal sex – The Zimbabwe Mail

Man assaults wife over anal sex

Chief Nembudziya
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A FORTY-year-old man from Mashame Village under Chief Nembudziya assaulted his wife after she denied him anal sex.

The man, Abenico Paradzayi was fined three beasts by Chief Nembudziya, for assaulting his wife, Nelia Mambo.
Chief Nembudziya confirmed the incident.

“l dealt with the case of a man who assaulted his wife with a sjambok after the wife refused to have anal sex with him,” said Chief Nembudziya.

Chief Nembudziya said Paradzayi had gone on a drinking spree with his friends, before returning home later to his wife and asked for anal sex.

“He was drinking beer the whole day with his friends and apparently they talked about anal sex and he decided to try it with his wife who refused. He told the court that he was irked by his wife’s refusal and he failed to control his anger and assaulted her,” said Chief Nembudziya.

Chief Nembudziya said Paradzayi’s actions shocked the villagers.

“When he appeared in my court, the court gallery was filled to capacity as villagers were shocked about the incident. They wanted to hear for themselves why he suddenly wanted anal sex from his wife,” he said.

Chief Nembudziya said Paradzayi apologised for his behaviour which he attributed to alcohol.

“He apologised to his wife and he blamed alcohol for his wayward behaviour. I ordered him to pay three beasts for assaulting his wife over such a trivial issue,” he said.

Chief Nembudziya said cases of men assaulting women in his area were on the rise, a situation he described as worrisome.