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Children accuse mother of witchcraft

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A woman from Jahana Village under Chief Njelele has approached Chief Njelele’s traditional court after her children accused her of bewitching them.

The woman Sithabiso Ndlovu said she hasn’t known peace since three years ago when her three children Tafadzwa, Tendai and Tanaka Dube started accusing her of witchcraft. They claim their mother is responsible for all their misfortunes which include unemployment and failing to find love.

Chief Njelele in whose jurisdiction the area falls under confirmed the matter saying he is still looking into it.

“I am currently looking into a matter of a mother who is being accused of witchcraft by her children. She said her children have been harassing and calling her a witch for the past three years. She approached the court seeking an order compelling the children to move out of her home as they’re constantly harassing her,” he said.

Chief Njelele said the three siblings consulted a prophet who told them that their mother was responsible for all the fortunes. 

“The three girls were told that they cannot get married as their mother wants them to sleep with her goblins. They were also told that they cannot secure jobs as Ndlovu wants them to be home always and “service” the goblins”.

Chief Njelele said upon hearing the prophecy from the man of cloth, the three girls confronted their mother over the issue who denied all the allegations.

“After hearing the prophecy, the children have been harassing their mother over witchcraft allegations. Recently they were demanding that she leaves her home and look for another place to stay as they can no longer continue staying with her. She brought the matter to my court after her kids tried to evict her from her own homestead,” said Chief Njelele.

B-Metro managed to track down Ndlovu who strongly believes that her children are possessed by evil spirits that are trying to turn them against her.

“These children have been accusing me of bewitching them for the past three years. No sane woman would bewitch her own children, instead l wish them all the success in the world. They’re being used by evil spirits but l trust that all this will be a thing of the past soon,” she said.