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Masvingo seeks Zivhu expulsion

Killer Zivhu
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Zanu-PF Chivi South legislator and businessman Killer Zivhu’s political career is hanging by a thread after the ruling party here recommended his expulsion citing treacherous behaviour.

Zivhu’s fate now lies with the Zanu-PF National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) which has the final say on whether or not to endorse his expulsion. If the decision to expel him is upheld by the NDC, Cde Zivhu will also automatically cease to be the ruling party legislator for Chivi South, necessitating a by-election.

The ruling party’s provincial coordinating committee (PCC) yesterday overwhelmingly resolved to kick out Zivhu from the party. This was after the Chivi South legislator, who is the provincial secretary for environment and tourism, snubbed a hearing called by the party’s provincial disciplinary committee chaired by vice chair Ailess Baloyi over a week ago.

Zivhu had been served with a prohibition notice prior to the recommendation for his dismissal.

Zanu-PF Masvingo provincial chair Ezra Chadzamira confirmed the decision.

Chadzamira, who is also Masvingo Provincial Affairs Minister, said Zivhu remained unapologetic hence the decision to summarily expel him.

‘’We sat as the PCC today (yesterday) and recommended to the NDC that Zivhu be expelled from the party for his activities on social media. We arrived at the decision to recommend his expulsion because even when we served him with a prohibition order and called him to a hearing, he snubbed the process,’’ said Chadzamira.

He said Zivhu continued with his treacherous behaviour even after the prohibition order by using the social media to push for a meeting between First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa and MDC-Alliance leader Mr Nelson Chamisa’s wife Sithokozile.

The controversial Chivi South legislator stood accused of violating party rules via social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Twitter where he allegedly said he was going to push for dialogue between President Mnangagwa and Mr Chamisa.

Zivhu is also accused of having initiated the process of collecting signatures for people in support of his initiative for dialogue between President Mnangagwa and the MDC-Alliance leader.

Prior to yesterday’s decision to recommend his expulsion, Baloyi had also accused Zivhu of being unrepentant and having ignored several warnings via various social media platforms by other party members to stop his treachery.

Baloyi said Cde Zivhu’s push for dialogue between President Mnangagwa and Mr Chamisa raises stink because the MDC Alliance leader has repeatedly snubbed overtures to be part of the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD), instead demanding face-to- face talks with the President.