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Belarus counts on long-term cooperation in agriculture with Zimbabwe

Belarus' Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo
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MINSK, (BelTA) – Belarus counts on long-term cooperation in agriculture with Zimbabwe, Belarus’ Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said at the meeting with a delegation from Zimbabwe, BelTA has learned.

“We count on long-term cooperation. We will fulfill all agricultural mechanization agreements with Zimbabwe. You could see with your own eyes that our equipment was in demand on your land. You got a better yield. We can also offer our grain drying complexes. We really shine in the production of this type of products. In addition, we could be useful to you in mechanizing storage of vegetables and fruits – creating the temperatures that allow selling vegetables and fruits all year round,” said Igor Brylo.

According to him, the parties should also increase mutual deliveries of goods. “There are food products that are produced in Belarus, but not produced in Zimbabwe and vice versa,” the minister noted. “Another important area of cooperation is the development of dairy cattle breeding in your country. You have a very favorable climate for this.”

Belarus supplies agricultural machinery and other types of equipment to Zimbabwe and trains Zimbabwean specialists. “We have created all the necessary conditions to train foreign students in our agricultural universities,” the agriculture and food minister emphasized.

During the visit to Belarus, the Zimbabwean delegation will tour Belarusian milk and meat processing enterprises, the international agricultural expo Belagro 2023, and attend the first meeting of the Belarus-Zimbabwe working group on cooperation in agriculture.