gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa adds 47 buses to ZUPCO – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa adds 47 buses to ZUPCO

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President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday commissioned 47 new buses that wee added to the Zimbabwe United Passengers Company fleet.

Posting on Facebook Mnangagwa said, “This morning we commissioned a further 47 new ZUPCO buses as we work to mitigate the transport challenges felt by our communities.

We are building a modern public transport system, a key component of a growing economy, which enables citizens to travel cheaply and efficiently.”

Mnangagwa also hinted the government’s intention to building a modern public system so that the public can travel cheaply and efficiently. He also reminded that the public transport system is a key component of a growing economy.

“To mitigate transport challenges faced by communities, my government is currently capacitating ZUPCO. We have a number that has come in and next week or so I will be launching another fleet of buses that have come in. I have to wait and allow them all to be in before we launch them.

“My government is aware of the role modern transport infrastructure plays as a key economic enabler to the transformation of our economy and towards reaching our vision 2030,” he added

Source – Byo24