gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MP blames Mthuli Ncube for ‘teenage pregnancies’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

MP blames Mthuli Ncube for ‘teenage pregnancies’

Prof Mthuli Ncube in Parliament
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MDC Alliance Binga North MP Prince Dubeko Sibanda has said Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has failed to rescue Zimbabwe”s tumbling economy, a disappointment for many who thought his appointment would see a change in the country”s fortunes.

Speaking in Parliament on Monday, Sibanda said Ncube has failed even his own kinsmen from Lupane where there are alarming rates of school drop outs and teenage pregnancies.

“His appointment on its own, had raised optimism that someone with an illustrious résumé had been appointed to that portfolio and the expectations of the citizens of this country were that the illustrious résumé is going to turn into tangible economic and welfare gains in the country,” said Sibanda.

“Sadly, that is not the case currently when we look at what is taking place on the ground.”

Sibanda added, “If you go to the rural area where the Minister comes from in Lupane East where I was on Saturday; if you look at levels of teenage pregnancies in that constituency, they are amazing.

“I went to St. Luke”s Hospital and of the pregnant women that are waiting to give birth at that hospital, 97% are teenagers. When you ask for the reason, it is simple. Those girls are dropping out of school at primary level not even secondary and that is the home area of the Minister of Finance and Economic Development.”

Sibanda said poverty levels in Zimbabwe are now the same as those in war ravaged countries.

“Our poverty levels currently are so much comparable with those of Somalia or we might be even worse off than Somalia. We are not a country that is at war. We are a country that is supposed to be having a Government, a country that is at peace and we are supposed to be a country that is following the rule of law. If you look at the levels of poverty that we have in this country, they are amazing,” he said.

Source – Byo24