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Zimbabwean President claims credit for good rainy season

President Mnangagwa addresses party supporters at a thank you rally at Rutenga Shopping Centre in Mwenezi yesterday.-(Picture by Kudakwashe Hunda)
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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has sensationally claimed that he was the force behind the good rains enjoyed in the country this season, in that he allowed traditional chiefs to conduct rainmaking rituals and religious leaders to pray for the rains.

Speaking at Chief Njelele’s homestead in Gokwe on Friday, Mnangagwa told Zanu-PF supporters that upon coming into office in 2017, he summoned traditional chiefs and religious leaders and told them to conduct rituals and to pray for the rains.

“The rains had gone for many years. When this new dispensation came, we then said what should we do? I summoned all the chiefs to come together and told them to go to their homes and conduct rituals, which they may have forgotten. I told them to go and do those rituals and pray so that we get rains. I also asked those from churches, ‘go and pray from your churches for the rains’, and the rains came. I thank you for the work that you did,” said Mnangagwa,

Since coming to power, Mnangagwa’s government has on several occasions sought supernatural powers to address national challenges including socioeconomic problems which have dogged his government for a long time.

He has led prayers to undo Western-sponsored sanctions and also conjured the supernatural in the hope of attracting foreign direct investment.

On Tuesday, Mnangagwa will unveil the statute of the late spirit medium Mbuya Nehanda in central Harare, with the hope to appease ancestral spirits.

Away from the spirit mediums, Sports minister Kirsty Coventry and Defence minister Oppah Muchinguri almost ran out of superlatives as they appeared determined to outdo each other in singing praises for Mnangagwa.

Coventry opened the showers of praise by calling Mnangagwa a luminary and defender of culture par excellence.

“Your Excellency, you continue to be a shining example of leadership and humility. As a ministry, we are humbled that you continue to accommodate our events on your busy schedule and join us in the national cultural commemorations that are part of our continuing Zimbabwe at 40 national celebrations marking four decades of independence telling our Zimbabwean narrative,” she said.

Muchinguri was to follow hailing Mnangagwa as the epitome of humanity and guardian angel of the call for Zimbabwe’s culture.

“He is a national unifier, he brings everyone together, churches, traditional leaders and children. He teaches us to humble ourselves. He is a listener, a listening President. He is a servant to all. He does not make himself better than everyone. He is a servant of our culture,” said Muchinguri.

Besides the Covid-19 regulations violations at this crowded function and the praise singing, an array of cultural activities and foodstuffs decorated the Njelele homestead. The event was organised by the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Day.

Source – the standard