gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Zimbabwe intelligence foils plot against Botswana president’ – Report – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Zimbabwe intelligence foils plot against Botswana president’ – Report

Mokgweetsi Masisi
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Zimbabwean intelligence officers reportedly foiled a meeting by a Botswana politician, Dr Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi and her colleagues — including former President Seretse Khama Ian Khama — which sought to topple Botswana President Mokgwetsi Masisi.

An American diplomat, Andrew Young, is also named by the Sunday Standard as part of the plot.

The plot involved laundering P60 million to Botswana via Zimbabwe and the money, according to reports, had been brought by Ms Bridgette Motsepe, sister of South African billionaire from South Africa who was tracked from Lanseria Airport by Botswana newspaper the Sunday Standard up to Victoria Falls.

It is believed that former president Khama, who is backing Dr Moitoi, was expected to attend the meeting.

According to reports by the Sunday Standard, the money was meant to buy votes for Dr Moitoi who intends to challenge President Mokgweetsi Masisi for BDP presidency.

It is understood that Dr Moitoi and her delegation were detained and subjected to interrogation by Zimbabwean intelligence officers in Victoria Falls after a tip off.

On the day that Ms Motsepe flew to Victoria Falls, Mr Khama also chartered a flight to Victoria Falls in the company of Dr Moitoi, Kabelo Binns, Daphne Kadiwa and Isaac Kgosi.

The Sunday Standard reports that Zimbabwe’s intelligence got the information that the plane that Ms Motsepe was travelling in was ferrying US$5,5 million that was supposed to be handed to Mr Khama.

Zimbabwean officials, according to the Sunday Standard did not search Motsepe’s plane but sent it back to South Africa.

It is understood that Dr Moitoi’s delegation and that of Ms Motsepe were expected to meet American politician Mr Andrew Young.

Mr Moitoi’s delegation stayed behind for the meeting in Victoria Falls while Ms Motsepe and her team were deported to South Africa.

Ian Khama, left, shakes hands with Mokgweetsi Masisi. Phoographer: Monirul Bhuiyan/AFP/Getty

Reports say that according to the initial plan, Dr Moitoi and Ms Motsepe’s teams were to be airlifted by two helicopters to a secret meeting at a farm in Botswana.

The US$5, 5 million purse was to be used to buy votes for Dr Moitoi in her BDP presidential bid against President Masisi.

The Sunday Standard reported that they had some audio tapes were Ms Motsepe was discussing with Binns saying the money was ready.

Binns is heard in the same conversation as saying they were aiming for 850 votes at next week’s congress.

They also discussed that they should hire vehicles in Botswana for the campaign fearing use of South African registered ones would expose them to scrutiny.

The Herald could not independently verify the reports at the time of going to print.