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Mutasa, Mutinhiri re-joins Zanu PF

Zanu-PF secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu poses for a photograph with Cde Didymus Mutasa (left) and Brigadier-General Ambrose Mutinhiri (Retired) at the party headquarters in Harare yesterday. —Picture by Innocent Makawa
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Former ZANU-PF secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa, who was yesterday officially welcomed back into the party, said he had been forced out of the ruling party by former president Robert Mugabe after criticising him for accepting his wife as a faction leader in the revolutionary party.

Speaking at a welcome ceremony for him and returning stalwart Brigadier-General Ambrose Mutinhiri (Rtd) at the party headquarters in Harare yesterday, Mutasa said he remained Zanu-PF at heart.

Mutasa said he never left Zanu-PF, but he had personal issues with Mr Mugabe, who later incited the youth to chide him at party gatherings.

“I would like to thank you very much for accepting me back into the party. We worked together well, but as things changed, we also changed.

“Circumstances were such that it was necessary for the former president of the party to think we were no longer good and tell us to move away. We didn’t move away on our own.

“I wrote back to my colleagues to say that I never left the party. The reason why the former president said I should move away is that I was saying it very openly, as you will, hear it now, that it was very unfair for him to accept his wife as the leader of the third faction of Zanu-PF and he didn’t like it.

“He did not tell me that he did not like it, but he had to organise the party youth at one time when members of the party were in a Politburo meeting, to chide at me downstairs,” said Mutasa.

Mutasa said he had since buried the past and was ready to take the party and the nation at large, forward.

“All those are now things of the past. We would like to look into the future and build this country to be what we went to war for it to be and I am very happy to see all of you welcoming me,” he said.

Brig-Gen Mutinhiri said he had made mistakes, but thanked the party for readmitting him.

“I also want to thank the party for accepting me back. It is unfortunate that there are times when people see things differently, but it is normal, I believe.

“In the process of seeing things differently, you make mistakes. When you realise that you have made a mistake, you come back to your comrades and say comrades I am sorry I made a mistake, I want to rejoin the party and they accept you back.

“That is a great thing. So I am here, happy to be accepted back into the party and am ready to take up any assignment given to me. I am at your service.”

Zanu-PF Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu welcomed the pair saying the readmission was a directive from President Mnangagwa who was keen on uniting and strengthening the party.

President Mnangagwa, Mpofu said, wanted to unite the people with a view to collectively build the nation.

“We welcome you comrades. President Mnangagwa has directed us to readmit former members, willing to rejoin the party.

“The President has even gone further to invite members of the opposition saying let us build our country together.

“He believes that we should not derail our development through unnecessary politicking. We are all Zimbabweans we must work together to develop the nation,” he said.

Mpofu said the party needed senior members like the pair for guidance.

“We want to welcome you VaMutasa and the general (Brig-Gen Mutinhiri).

“We are all your products and we want our commanders back.

“This is your home and you should continue guiding us,” said Mpofu.

Edna Madzongwe said: “I wish to thank the President who spearheaded the readmission of the two comrades. I welcome you comrades.”