gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe govt steps-in to assist citizens stranded abroad – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe govt steps-in to assist citizens stranded abroad

Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba
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Presidential Spokesperson George Charamba says President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government is inundated with pleas from Zimbabweans stranded in foreign countries who want to be assisted to return to their home country.

South Africa is one of the major places where Zimbabweans are stranded in.

“We have an upsurge in the number of Zimbabweans wishing repatriation from neighbouring countries, principally South Africa, Botswana and Namibia, and from UK and China. Government is working closely with IOM to see how our nationals can come home safely.” Charamba said. “In other cases, Government is considering chartering Air Zimbabwe for far-away cases enough for a planeload. In respect of SA, it is a combination of centrally organized road transport for those with means; IOM facilitation for needy cases able to be accommodated by IOM; GoZ transport arrangement for the rest.”

He added that they have been liasing with foreign governments who have promised to assist in the process.

“Our Missions in host countries or covering host countries are hard at work on this exercise which is all-important.

“Zimbabweans caught up with containment rules for Covid-19 while here at home and with residence status in host countries, are free to return to foreign work stations on terms applying to their host countries and their employers. On the Zimbabwean side, there is no, or should not be any difficulties regarding their departure.”

Source – Byo24