gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF welcomes two-thirds majority, but denies role in Parliamentary recalls – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF welcomes two-thirds majority, but denies role in Parliamentary recalls

Mike Bimha
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Zanu PF National Political Commissar Mike Bimha has said that the ruling party does not have a hidden agenda and was not involved in the recall of any elected opposition officials but will welcome the prospect of retaining a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly.

Bimha made the remarks during a press conference at Zanu PF headquarters in Harare while responding to questions about the ongoing recalls of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislators by one Sengezo Tshabangu.

“We did not cause the recalls so it is not our agenda,” Bimha said.

“It might come and obviously when it comes we will welcome it but it is not our agenda to have those recalls. We are extremely happy to have the majority in Parliament as we are.”

Bimha added that the recalls are an internal matter of the CCC and that Zanu PF will not interfere.

“It is not our agenda to recall it is really an internal affair and if it (retaining two-thirds majority) happens and it happens to our favour thank you so much,” he said.

Opposition has called Sengezo Tshabangu an impostor working in cahoots with Zanu PF to ensure its two-thirds majority in the National Assembly.

Zanu PF has denied any involvement in the recalls, but political analysts say that the party would benefit from the loss of CCC seats in Parliament and retain a controlling stake in Parliament which will enable it to make constitutional changes.

Meanwhile, Zanu PF is upping its political ante as it prepares for the bye-elections for Gutu West with its candidate John Paradza contesting for the parliamentary seat.

Zanu PF deputy president Kembo Mohadi will lead an official campaign to drum up support for the ruling party.

“We have our candidate John Paradza who will be battling it out with three other candidates from the opposition as you are aware Cde John Paradza is our deputy secretary for youth. We are having the official launch of our campaign on October 21. We will have our campaign launch and senior members of the party will also attend. The vice president and the secretary Kembo Mohadi will officiate at the official launch,” said Bimha.

Bimha further said Zanu PF will be holding “Thank you” rallies across the country after its candidate, President Emmerson Mnangagwa won in the August disputed elections.

“Now the elections are behind us we are in a celebratory mood and the president won resoundingly and also we have the majority of seats. We want to celebrate and say thank you for their participation and we will be hosting thank you rallies throughout the country in all our ten provinces,” said Bimha. – NewZim