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Zanu-PF to recall Mupfumira

Prisca Mupfumira
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The Zanu-PF Mashonaland West Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) yesterday resolved to recall Senator and Central Committee member Priscah Mupfumira, who is facing an array of corruption charges in the courts.

Mupfumira, who is in custody over corruption allegations, was last week sacked from her position as Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry by President Mnangagwa over the graft charges involving more than US$90 million stolen from the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).

Investigations into three of the seven counts of corruption she is facing are complete, but the State is insisting on going to trial only when the probe into all the counts is  done.

Speaking to State media on the sidelines of the PCC meeting, Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial chairman Ziyambi Ziyambi said the fight against corruption was essential in bringing sanity, as the country takes major steps towards economic reforms.

“The PCC resolved that Priscah Mupfumira be recalled from the position of Central Committee member and Senator in Mash West to an ordinary card-carrying member,” he said. “This is in support of President Mnangagwa’s efforts to fight corruption in the  country.

“We need to build the country and pulling out corrupt seeds among us is important for us to bring economic recovery.”

Raising the motion before the PCC, provincial member Misheck Nyarubere said Makonde District had agreed on the resolution.

“As Makonde, we have agreed that we relieve Priscah Mupfumira of her duties as a Central Committee and Senator,” he said. “This is because we cannot have a leader who is facing charges of corruption of this magnitude. I, therefore, propose that we recall her and leave her as an ordinary card-carrying member.”

Zanu-PF provincial executive member in the Women’s League Martha Munondo seconded the resolution, saying the party was supreme.

“We have worked with Priscah Mupfumira as our Politburo member and now we move with the party’s resolution,” she said. “Therefore, I second the call to recall her.”

When President Mnangagwa sacked the incarcerated former minister he said her conduct was not in line with what is expected from a Government minister.

The President is leading a fight against corruption, and recently appointed new Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) members from names submitted to him after Parliament carried out interviews for the posts.

ZACC was also given powers to arrest suspects in corruption cases, as a way of speeding up the fight against graft.