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Zanu PF to deploy gold dealers to woo Chamisa’s supporters

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A ZANU PF official in Harare has dispelled allegations that businessman and house of assembly aspirant Pedzisayi ‘Scott’ Sakupwanya muscled his way through the just held primary elections.

Sakupwanya sneaked through the parliamentary elections uncontested, clinching a ticket to represent Zanu PF in the upcoming elections for Mabvuku Tafara constituency.

This however reportedly riled some who accused Sakupwanya of using his financial influence to run uncontested.

According to a Zanu PF official the party endorsed Sakupwanya, who is Mabvuku Tafara sitting councillor, as the sole candidate for house of assembly.

“There was a consensus in Mabvuku that Sakupanya will not be contested. We sat down and deliberated on endorsing Sakupwanya as our preferred candidate,” said the official.

Sakupwanya appears to be looking at extending his influence in the national assembly after serving as a councillor since the March 2022 by-elections.

Zanu PF has failed to clinch Mabvuku Tafara seat in recent elections, losing to opposition.

However there is a growing belief that Sakupwanya will unseat the opposition in upcoming elections.

“The opposition was winning at parliamentary level because they were fielding someone from Mabvuku. Scott did not arm twist people or what is being said that he bought votes. Initially he didn’t not want to be contesting for parliament; he was content with being a councillor. It is our trump card to winning both parliament and council seats,” said the official.