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Zanu PF says not interested in MDC-A implosion

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HARARE – Zanu PF says it has no business in the MDC Alliance, which is facing an internal political inferno threatening to consume the opposition party.

Speaking in Harare today, Zanu PF Secretary for Information and Publicity, Simon Khaya Moyo said recent claims by some MDC Alliance members that the revolutionary party is seeking to influence the opposition’s congress outcome are not only farfetched but also absurd.

MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa is set to battle for his life at the helm of the party and Douglas Mwonzora is taunted as one of the firm contenders to the party’s highest office.

Some opposition members have accused Zanu PF of masterminding a plot for Chamisa’s downfall.

The latest accusation from the MDC Alliance is that the purported rape case by Chamisa is a creation of Zanu PF.

However, Zanu PF had no kind words for the accusations, saying it has no business in affairs of a party facing an imminent implosion.

“It is quite mischievous for someone to suggest that Zanu PF has an interest in an outfit that does not have substantive political identity. That is farfetched and absurd. The mighty revolutionary Zanu PF has no business or any derived benefit from burdening itself with the internal affairs of another political party, let alone an outfit rocked by an internal political inferno threatening to consume it,” said Khaya Moyo.

“Instead of concentrating on pointing fingers at Zanu PF, Chamisa’s alliance should assign attention towards resuscitating themselves from the political deathbed they are in. It is evident that the MDC Alliance is in complete tatters and is confronted with imminent self-extinction as testified by one of its leaders, Elias Mudzuri suggesting a possible split at their forthcoming congress. He said so recently and it is on record,” he added.

Instead, Khaya Moyo said Zanu PF is pre-occupied with the drive to promote socio-economic development in line with vision 2030 and has no time for kindergarten politics. – ZBC