gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘ZANU PF is a party of progress’, says Obert Mpofu – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘ZANU PF is a party of progress’, says Obert Mpofu

Obert Mpofu
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ZANU PF national secretary for Administration Dr Obert Mpofu said ZANU PF is viewed as a Party of progress and all want to associate with how we do things here.

Dr Mpofu made these remarks at a press conference to send off a delegation headed to the Julius Nyerere school of leadership.

“We aren’t here to surrender power but to lead that’s why we sacrificed our lives to attain independence.” Said Mpofu.  “Our relations with chama chama pinduzi of Tanzania come a long way. Tanzania was one of the first to train ZANLA and ZPRA freedom fighters. We have had good relations dating back a long way.”

Zimbabwe’s ambassador to Tanzania Anselem Senyatwe will lead the team.

Speaking at the same occasion Cde Munyaradzi Machacha the principal of the Chitepo school of ideology said “The Party is sending off a team to Tanzania to join other sister parties at Julius Nyerere school of leadership. Training objectives are to build a team of highly conscious cadres of the liberation to instill a high spirit of patriotism and nationalism based on our history and cultures and its meant for strategic leadership to be able to lead in the competitive environment to build inclusive economic political strategies. It will also cover the ideology and its importance in society and it can assist in building a society.”

Source – Byo24