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With Or Without EU Zimbabwe Will Continue: Temba Mliswa

Temba Mliswa
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Former Zanu-PF Mashonaland West province chairperson and independent legislator for Norton Temba Mliswa has implied that Zimbabwe does not need the European Union (EU) to become prosperous.

Speaking on Twitter, Mliswa also criticised MDC Alliance top official and former Primary Education Minister David Coltart for trying to overturn the free, fair and credible environment that was there before the elections with what he termed “post election negativity”. He said such negativity is being caused by people who want to discredit Zimbabwe and cause instability.

In a series of tweets, Mliswa who is Emmerson Mnangagwa’s supporter said Zimbabwe can become prosperous if it harnesses its resources and curbs corruption. He said if Zimbabwe is accountable for its resources people will be drawn to it. Said Mliswa:

There are people such as David Coltart who’re trying to overturn the pre-election free, fair and credible environment with post election negativity. The two are different and shouldn’t be confused. Post election negativity is being caused by those who lost in an attempt to discredit the country & create instability.

Zimbabwe with/without EU will continue, what we need to work on is harnessing our resources and curbing corruption. If we’re accountable for resources people will come to us. Like our good weather, it’s not transferable, people come to us for it. The good soils, human capital etc they come to us, we’re a gem.