gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Thugs attack Zanu PF senator’s house – The Zimbabwe Mail

Thugs attack Zanu PF senator’s house

Dorothy Mabika
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A GANG of five unknown assailants on Wednesday night pounced on Senator for Manicaland Province, Dorothy Mabika’s Chipinge house, and smashed a parked vehicle’s windows and windowpanes.

Police confirmed the incident which occurred around midnight at Mabika’s residence in the low-density suburb of Chipinge town.

The incident is now under police investigation.

One of the occupants at the house, Nyaradzo Guruza, who is also Chipinge District Coordinating Committee political commissar, told The Manica Post that there were four occupants in the house when the incident occurred.

“It was around midnight when the incident occurred. It all started with a vehicle that was making rounds in our street, and suddenly stones started raining at our house.

“The gang attacked a Toyota Regius vehicle which was parked in the yard. Guards reacted and the gang fled. They continued throwing stones all over the yard. The whole incident lasted for about two hours,” she said.

Guruza said they called Mabika who alerted the police.

“We phoned Mabika who was in Harare and informed her about the incident. She immediately called the police who reacted fast and attended the scene.

“No one was injured,” she said.

Mabika also confirmed the incident and called for thorough investigations.