gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); South Africans urge Zimbabweans to Leave – The Zimbabwe Mail

South Africans urge Zimbabweans to Leave

Some of the protesters marching in South African on Friday. (Photo: Benedict Nhlapho)
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Some South Africans staged a peaceful protest in the country today urging the government to cancel special permits for Zimbabweans, Mozambicans and other foreigners.

The protesters carrying banners inscribed with the words ‘Put South Africa First’, demanded the cancellation of over 250,000 special dispensation given to some foreigners, the immediate termination of all contracts of foreign workers in the hospitality, building and other sectors.

They also demanded the placing of all refugees and asylum seekers in camps, saying they were setting up makeshift houses that were an eyesore.

The leader of the protesters, Mario Khumalo, said there are a lot of bad things being done by foreigners in South Africa.

“These foreigners are evil. They are raping our kids. They are killing our kids. They are grabbing our jobs. They don’t respect us. Some of them are border jumpers as they don’t have proper documents. So, we are asking them to leave today. The people that are supposed to come here are those that respect other human beings and not what we are facing right now.”

More details to follow …