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Ngarivhume rules out coalition with MDC-T Khupe

Jacob Ngarivhume
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OPPOSITION Transform Zimbabwe leader, Jacob Ngarivhume has expressed his party’s desires to join forces with Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Alliance while ruling out any plans to work with Thokozani Khupe’s MDC-T.

He was speaking in a recent interview on’s The Agenda.

Transform Zimbabwe, which has garnered a decent amount of votes during past by-elections in Zimbabwe, joined forces with MDC ahead of the 2018 elections under the umbrella MDC Alliance.

But the loose merger could not outlive the election period as the main MDC found comfort among its erstwhile factions in Welshman Ncube’s MDC and Tendai Biti’s PDP.

However, following the MDC fall-out which saw Khupe confirmed by the courts as legitimate interim leader of the party at Chamisa’s expense, the MDC-T has made manoeuvres to bring on board, forsaken MDC Alliance partners who include Transform Zimbabwe.

Ngarivhume has opted to keep his distance with Khupe while favouring a broader coalition as opposed to being part of an MDC faction.

“Yes. I would not hesitate to work with others,” he said after being asked if he considered coalitions as the most effective response to Zanu-PF dominance.

“We are reaching out and we are speaking and we are engaging the people of Zimbabwe. If a call is made it will be objectively dealt with.

“As Transform Zimbabwe, we are prepared to speak with whoever reaches out to us. And we will make a decision that will make sure will strengthen the democratic forces in this country. Never to division.”

He added: “In 2018, I didn’t run for president because as Transform Zimbabwe, we realised that there is somebody who can support another candidate that stands a better chance.

“So, we made an evaluation and said the MDC Alliance is the best place to be. And we were in full support of the presidency of Nelson Chamisa. We absolutely knew this was the way to go and we did it.

“Come 2023, an evaluation will be done by Transform Zimbabwe to say what do we think is the best foot forward and who is the best foot forward.”

Ngarivhume vowed he will not join Khupe.

“I will not join forces with her (Khupe). Also, it is not even for me to decide. The party will make a decision if they reach out to me. Transform Zimbabwe leadership will decide,” he said.

Source – newzimbabwe