gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Mupfumira was fired by Mugabe for corruption’ – Moyo – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Mupfumira was fired by Mugabe for corruption’ – Moyo

Prisca Mupfumira
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Former President Robert Mugabe fired embattled ex-Minister of Tourism Prisca Mupfumira for gross abuse of office it has emerged.
Writing of Twitter Professor Jonathan Moyo said, “In October 2017, four weeks BEFORE the coup, Mupfumira WAS FIRED by President Mugabe for exactly the same NSSA allegations over missing tens of MILLIONS of US dollars under COMMAND AGRICULTURE. Mnangagwa and Chinamasa defended her and Mnangagwa got her back to Cabinet AFTER the coup!”

Reports that surfaced this week indicate that in 2017 during a politiburo meeting Mupfumira stood up to protest her firing beginning by protesting that she was being purged because her enemies were labelling her a Lacoste faction member, she went on to say maybe because she was close with the then Minister of Psychomotor Hungwe.

Mugabe is said to have interjected by slamming the table and saying,”shut up with all this nonsense, the reason for been fired is because you are a thief and have been abusing your position for corruption purposes at NSSA.”

The following week Mupfumira who was the then Politburo Secretary for Tourism skipped the country.

After the November 2017 bloody coup Mupfumira bounced back as the Minister of Tourism under the President Emmerson Mnangagwa led Government.

Mupfumira, arrested on July 25, faces seven counts of criminal abuse of office involving US$95 million from the state pension fund.

She was relieved of her duties as Minister on Thursday by Mnangagwa.

Source – Byo24