gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mugabe’s body embalmed for 5 years – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mugabe’s body embalmed for 5 years

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THE body of the late former president Robert Mugabe was embalmed in Singapore before being flown to Harare on Wednesday and is likely to be buried after a couple of weeks, the Zim Morning post has learnt.

Despite arriving last Wednesday, the body has never been taken to a local mortuary for safe keeping in a cold room yet it has been on public displays at Rufaro stadium for two days and then at the giant National Sports Stadium.

Family sources said the body was embalmed to last for five years without being taken to a cold room.

This also comes at a time when his burial place and date have been contested between government and the family.

The body was prepared and can last for five years in that state,” said the source.

We knew it was going to take long to determine his final resting place so we had to be ready for that.

We also knew that we wanted the body to lie in state at his Blue Roof until the day we are going to lay him to rest.

The source also said the family has requested that his wife, former first lady be next to his coffin until he is laid to rest.

That is why the body has never been taken to a morgue or local funeral palour,” the source said.

Meanwhile, it has been a week now since the former president died and his body has not decomposed regardless it being frequently moved from one place to another.

Medical doctors said a human body begins to decompose as soon as life ceases and after three days if no proper care is taken then no-one can get closer to the body.

Mugabe will only be buried after the mausoleum is erected as demanded by the family and reports suggest this may take up to 30 days.

Embalming is the art and science of preserving human or animal remains intact by treating and making them suitable for public viewing for years.

Source: Zimmorning post