gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa says CCC hijacked Moreblessing’s murder for ‘stage-managed shenanigan’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa says CCC hijacked Moreblessing’s murder for ‘stage-managed shenanigan’

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has described Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist Moreblessing Ali’s killing as a stage-managed shenanigan aimed at tarnishing the nation’s image ahead of a Commonwealth conference in Rwanda.

Ali was gruesomely murdered by an alleged Zanu PF activist Pias Jamba in Nyatsime. Her body was dismembered, staffed into sacks, and dumped in a well.

This was Mnangagwa’s first time commenting on Ali’s murder or disappearance on May 24. He was addressing mourners at late national hero, major general Sydney Bhebhe’s burial, at the heroes’ acre Monday.

“What happened recently in the Nyatsime Township of Chitungwiza is deplorable and should never be repeated.

“The nation is now familiar with these shenanigans and incidences of staged violence, which are designed to tarnish the image of Zimbabwe, especially ahead of major international meetings,” Mnangagwa said.

“This time, the destabilising and violent theatrics by opposition elements are being done ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Rwanda.

“Shame on you, if you are the leader of a political party which thrives on violence and the insecurity of our people, to be relevant. Shame – shame – shame on you!

“Our security apparatus is on alert. We will not stand by and watch the good image of our nation as well as the safety and security of our people being desecrated by rogue pseudo politicians who receive dirty money to torment their own African kith and kin.

“I call upon the nation at large, across all provinces, districts, and wards to refuse to be used by self-seeking charlatans, masquerading as politicians.”

Ali’s funeral wake has been characterised by running battles between Zanu PF and CCC activists.

CCC supporters took advantage of her memorial last week to avenge her killing by beating up and burning property belonging to members of the ruling party.

Zanu PF youths proceeded to burn some 20 houses belonging to perceived CCC supporters the same night.