gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC-T feud: Tsvangirai calls Mwonzora to butt it in – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC-T feud: Tsvangirai calls Mwonzora to butt it in

MDC-T Secretary-General Douglas Mwonzora
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MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai has cautioned party secretary general, Douglas Mwonzora, over his recent anti-coalition comments.

The MDC-T has formed a coalition with other opposition parties for next year’s crunch election with Tsvangirai confirmed as presidential candidate for the so-called MDC-T alliance.

However, earlier this week Mwonzora clashed with his principal after the top MDC-T official went off-side when about the MDC Alliance’s distribution of 2018 parliamentary seats in an interview he gave to a local private daily.

In the recent interview Mwonzora said his MDC-T party was going to select candidates for next year’s elections in all the country’s 210 constituencies, dismissing any possibility of seat-sharing as has been proposed and agreed by partners in the MDC Alliance.

Posting on various social media on Friday after Tsvangirai had released a statement disowning his interview, Mwonzora said he had met with his boss who had cautioned him against his anti-MDC Alliance rants.

“The problem was that I had no knowledge of whether the agreement on seat distribution had been reached and I have since seen the President who has given me instructions that I am following,” said Mwonzora, “clarifying” his earlier position.

The former Nyanga North MP said Tsvangirai had also directed him to explain his actions before the party’s top executive meeting which is set to be held soon.

He insisted that he was not undermining his principals, having supported and worked with Tsvangirai for more than two decades.

“I have worked with President since 1992 when he employed me as legal adviser to the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU).

“I have full respect for him and will do my best to make sure that he is successful and I know that there are some members who have been deliberately twisting what I have said in interviews,” said the MDC-T chief executive. – NewsZim