gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘MDC-A youths’ join Zanu PF – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘MDC-A youths’ join Zanu PF

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TWO weeks after two former MDC Alliance stalwarts, former Marondera Mayor Farayi Nyandoro and former councillor Carlos Mudzongo joined Zanu PF, 100 youths from the opposition camp have followed suit, boosting the ruling party in Marondera Central constituency.

The youths said they have joined the revolutionary party because of its people-centered programmes.
Chataurwa We are joining Zanu Pf because we have seen how it has benefited communities including the youths.

Zanu PF welcomed the youths, pledging to ensure they benefit from empowerment programmes being initiated by the ruling party.

Marondera Central constituency is currently vacant after former legislator Caston Matewu was recalled by his party. – ZBC