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MDC-A playing with fire: Zanu-PF

Simon Khaya Moyo
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HARARE – Zanu-PF yesterday described as “treasonous” claims by MDC-Alliance vice president Mr Morgan Komichi that the opposition party had installed Mr Nelson Chamisa as national president and warned against “playing with fire”.

In an interview yesterday, Zanu-PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Simon Khaya Moyo also said the attempt by Mr Chamisa to light the so-called “independence flame” was a “kindergarten spectacle”.

The MDC-Alliance held its 19th anniversary at Gwanzura Stadium on Saturday where Mr Chamisa threatened mass protests against Government and reiterated that he disputes the results of the July 30 harmonised elections won by President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF with over two thirds majority.

Mr Chamisa claims the polls were rigged, but failed to provide evidence after challenging the election results in the Constitutional Court.

In his address to party supporters, Mr Chamisa said the protests would be modelled along the Arab Springs of 2010-11, which toppled leaders in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.

“Yesterday’s political circus at the MDC-Alliance celebration at Gwanzura Stadium where those who attended were hoodwinked into believing that Nelson Chamisa is the ‘president of Zimbabwe’ following the July 30, 2018 harmonised elections resembled a kindergarten spectacle. In fact, the announcement by Morgan Komichi at the rally that his boss had been duly bestowed as the ‘president of Zimbabwe’ borders on treason and is condemnable,” said Khaya-Moyo.

“The fact that Chamisa was invited to the podium to light up what he termed the ‘democracy flame’, which resembled the country’s Independence Flame, is an insult to the protracted liberation struggle which led to independence in 1980 and an affront to the people of Zimbabwe as a whole.

“The MDC-Alliance leadership must bear the consequence of such misguided conduct and avoid playing with fire.”

Khaya Moyo said President Mnangagwa was duly elected as Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces in a free, fair and credible election endorsed by local, regional and international organisations.

“The entire world recognised this reality. The next harmonised elections are due in 2023. Now is the time to promote unity, peace and development.

“Political childish games and seeking undeserved relevance must come to an end. Zimbabwe is not for sale,” said Khaya Moyo.

In his address, Mr Chamisa said he would soon embark on a countrywide tour to mobilise his supporters to take to the streets.

He said they intended to march to State House.

“When we do this we want to have a clear plan on what date we start and to the day we end.

“We will not go back home until we achieve the intended plan. We will show (President) Mnangagwa the power that people have,” said Mr Chamisa, who last week was talking about the need for a transitional authority in the country despite Zanu-PF having won a clear majority. – Herald