gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Masarira’s LEAD urges residents to resist demolitions – The Zimbabwe Mail

Masarira’s LEAD urges residents to resist demolitions

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FIREBRAND opposition politician Linda Masarira of the LEAD party has called on residents to unite and resist the demolition of their houses and structures by the MDC-A run Harare City Council which her party says is acting in collusion with central Government and the judiciary to “inflict maximum pain on poor” Zimbabweans during the rain season.

The condemnation by the LEAD comes in the wake of demolitions of what the Harare City Council labelled as illegal structures in Budiriro 5, Harare, yesterday.

“Labour Economists and Afrikan Democrats (LEAD) condemns the inhuman and cruel demolition of houses by the MDC-A council in connivance with the national government and Judiciary.

“The fact that these political elites have chosen the rainy season to inflict maximum pain on poor Zimbabweans is not surprising. They do not care about the people. They only use our people to vote them into office,” said LEAD Diaspora Secretary for Information and Publicity Thandazai Tshababa.

“We demand that the MDC-A run council stop the demolitions forthwith! We demand that the so called illegal houses be regularised or our people who are victims of this land scam be fully compensated pronto!”

The party said Council as well as Zanu-PF linked land baron were working hand in glove to accept money from desperate home seekers only to turn around and use the judiciary to legalise their reduction of people’s properties to rubble.

“Council officials and Councillors working in cahoots with criminal Zanu-PF land barons are in the business of selling residential stands to unsuspecting poor residents. Why must our people whose only crime is a quest to provide a roof over their heads be punished?

“The council waits years before seeking court orders to stop development and demolish the so called illegal homes.

“By implication therefore, it must be noted that the only reason why it takes council this long to get a court order is for the councillors and land barons to extort as much as they can from poor residents.”

The party wants residents to gang up and protect themselves from the demolitions.

“LEAD calls on residents to unite and resist this wicked, cruel and inhuman demolition of homes in the midst of the rainy season and a Covid-19 pandemic.

“It takes years of hard work and sacrifice for an average honest Zimbabwean to build a house in this dead economy. Fellow Zimbabweans, let us resist the demolition of our homes by these uncaring politicians,” said LEAD.

Meanwhile, as has become the norm, the MDC-A led City Council has distanced itself from the demolitions despite that warming letters to residents were issued by Council and Council officials went about “pointing at” unwanted structures to be taken down. – Zimbabwe Voice