gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mangudya faces the chop as Mthuli Ncube aims for RBZ clear-out – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mangudya faces the chop as Mthuli Ncube aims for RBZ clear-out

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Newly appointed Zimbabwean Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube would like to employ a “big bang” economic reform program to the battered economy where unemployment is running above 80 percent, but recognises politics will limit the speed for change. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya and Zimbabwe's Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube brief reporters during an investment conference in New York, U.S., September 21, 2018. REUTERS/Daniel Bases
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A senior official at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has claimed that the suspension of four directors on allegations of corruption is part of a broader scheme to remove all long-serving personnel so that they can be replaced by people who are controllable.

According to the source who wrote to on the condition of anonymity, the four suspended directors can stand up to senior politicians and work by the book. Said the banker,

…These are the stalwarts of uprightness in that institution – incorruptible, unmoved by threats and straight as a ruler.

Saburi is head of forex allocations and won’t be intimidated if your paperwork is not sufficient. Your story must be tight, or you won’t get a cent…Chiremba is head of anti-money laundering and again, a modest, but very intelligent and incorruptible gentlemen with a strong no-nonsense reputation locally, regionally and internationally.

He has had running battles with the corrupt in this country and knows them all! It’s the same with Muradzikwa, hence both being targeted for removal…Mataruka is head of bank supervision and is registrar of banks with powers to close banks. He is an International Monetary Fund country and regional expert whom the IMF assigns countries to go and inspect.

The strategy is to remove all long-serving stalwarts, including John Mangudya himself, so as to line up the bank with easily intimidated personnel that could be aligned one way or the other. Most of those so-called corrupt directors have served all three past governors. How come only now, their sins are seen? It’s a typical case of a hyena accusing a flock of sheep for having caused the disappearance of goats. It’s transparent subterfuge…Lumumba and his boss Ncube are on a trajectory of vendettas!…Why is Lumumba exonerating Mangudya yet he is head of the institution?