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Mafios was better than Kazembe

Kazembe Kazembe
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Political analysts and councillors in Mashonaland Central province have said former ZANU PF provincial chairperson Dickson Mafios was better in mobilizing party Supporters to rallies than the incumbent Kazembe Kazembe.

Kazembe who was co-opted on the post soon after the president Emmerson Mnangagwa coup is reportedly failing to mobilize party supporters there by prompting the presidium in snubbing the province.

Political analysts Gift Mukombwe said Mafio was good at mobilising people as former president Robert Mugabe rallies in the province were all fully packed than those of Kazembe.

“Kazembe  has failed the new dispensation by failing to mobilize people during Mafios tenure not even a single rally flopped but Kazembe soon after the 2018 presidential elections the party has failed to hold a single successful presidential rally.

A councillor who spoke on condition of anonymity said Kazembe is not open in coordinating programs hence people are always caught unaware.

“The problem we have now with our chairperson is he is not open about presidential  rallies we are only told of the rallies a day or two before that is very different from Mafio’s era where everyone was told weeks before and urged to mobilize each other to attend.”

Another analysts Stephen Chawawa said Mafios era was better economically than that of Kazembe.

“Mafios operated in a better economic condition than Kazembe because during Mafios’ era fuel was readily available to ferry people to rallies but now Kazembe is operating in a harsh economic environment where service station are dry,” he said.

Another councillor said Kazembe is a bitter man who works with a few of his allies for his selfish gains which is different from Mafios’ time.

“Mafios worked for the party without segregation but Kazembe only works with his allies there by creating serious rifts in the party.

Meanwhile, Mashonaland Central province is busy preparing for District Development Coordinating Committee elections with a lot of vote buying already in existence especially from the legislators’ who are accused of using presidential food handouts for their selfish gains.

Source – Byo24