gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Khupe’s proposed manifesto launch in Harare flops, blames Chamisa – The Zimbabwe Mail

Khupe’s proposed manifesto launch in Harare flops, blames Chamisa

Dr Thokozani Khupe
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The launch of the Thokozani Khupe faction of the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai party manifesto in Harare today flopped because party candidates and supporters failed to turn up but the party blamed its sister faction led by Nelson Chamisa for intimidating people not to come.

Party secretary general Nickson Nyikadzino said the launch had been postponed indefinitely so that “we can deal with housekeeping issues in our party”.

“The Nelson Chamisa cabal, so to speak, stopped most our members from coming to this launch by perpetrating political violence in different constituencies and areas in order to send a wrong signal that we don’t have people yet we have people,” Nyikadzino said.

“The same way Nero so to speak usurped power when the deceased president of ours was he was still in the mortuary is the same manner he has just done it again.”

Party vice-president Obert Gutu also cited intimidation as the reason for the poor turnout but his twitter followers told him to just admit that the party did not have any support.

Source: Insider