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Mayor loses MDC-T primaries

Martin Moyo
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MDC-T primary elections brewed a shocker in Bulawayo yesterday after the city’s Mayor, Councillor Martin Moyo lost to little known Mr Tinashe Kambarami to represent the party in Ward 3.

Clr Moyo’s defeat comes just a few days after he had declared he was willing to serve another term although admitting that he was faced with an uphill task in that bid as party youths were calling on older members to step down and pave way for the younger generation and fresh ideas.

Mr Kambarami, who is a member of the party’s youth assembly trounced Clr Moyo, receiving 170 votes to the Mayor’s 25.
Confirming the outcome of the primaries, the party’s provincial chairperson, Bulawayo Deputy Mayor, Clr Gift Banda said the process was ongoing with most of the wards in the city having been completed.

“The process is going on smoothly with some of the wards already having completed voting while some might go on until tomorrow (today),” said Clr Banda.

Other sitting councillors who lost in the primaries are Clr Gladys Masuku (ward 10) and Clr Nephat Sibanda (ward 16). Clr Sibanda lost to Ms Mildred Ncube. Clrs Mzama Dube (ward 25), Pilate Moyo (ward 11), Norman Hlabani (ward 26), Monica Lubimbi (ward 29), Lilian Mlilo (ward 12) and Macdonald Chunga (ward 14) all won and were confirmed as the party’s candidates in the local government elections. The six join Clrs Silas Chigora (ward four), Rodney Jele (ward 22), Concilia Mlalazi (ward 18), Clyton Zana (ward 19) and Mr Felix Mhaka (ward five), who were all uncontested.

Mr Mhaka replaces Clr Banda who will be contesting to represent the party in the National Assemby seat in Njube-Lobengula constituency. However, the party had to postpone the primary elections in Cowdray Park where the sitting councillor Clr Collet Ndhlovu was being challenged by his stepson, Mr Happyson Ncube, after Clr Ndhlovu and his supporters violently disrupted the vote counting process when he reportedly realised that the results were not going in his favour. Party sources revealed that Clr Ndhlovu became violent, attacking Mr Ncube’s supporters vowing that the election will not go ahead.

In ward 16 where Clr Nephat Sibanda lost to Ms Mildred Ncube there were also reports of violence breaking out with Clr Sibanda allegedly being attacked by Ms Ncube’s son who was attempting to block him from observing the counting process.

More than 20 of Clr Sibanda’s supporters came to the Sunday News newsroom last night where they accused Ms Ncube of rigging and bussing people to come and vote for her. Contacted for comment, Clr Sibanda confirmed that he was assaulted saying he had already reported the matter to the police.