gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Kenya President Uhuru to push for lifting of Zimbabwe sanctions – The Zimbabwe Mail

Kenya President Uhuru to push for lifting of Zimbabwe sanctions

President Uhuru Kenyatta and special envoy Air Chief Marshal (Rtd) Perence Shiri of Zimbabwe at State House. /COURTESY
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NAIROBI, Kenya – President Uhuru Kenyatta has assured Zimbabwe of Kenya’s support to ensure sanctions imposed on the southern Africa nation are lifted.

He said the sanctions are holding Zimbabwe back, undermining its efforts of effectively serving its citizens.

“Imposing sanctions is like tying somebody’s hands and feet, they cannot move. We will give our support to bring back Zimbabwe to the global platform,” President Uhuru said.

The President was speaking on Wednesday at State House Nairobi when he received a special message from President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe.

The special message was delivered by President Mnangagwa’s special envoy, Air Chief Marshal (Rtd) Perence Shiri.

The Zimbabwean special envoy briefed Uhuru on the situation in Zimbabwe and called for Kenya’s support to get the sanctions lifted.

Air Chief Marshal (Rtd) Shiri said the Zimbabwe government was doing everything it could to address the challenges facing the country.

The special envoy said that plans are underway to ensure that those who lost property during the “land reform programme”, will be compensated.

The “land reform programme” led to Zimbabwe’s international isolation and sanctions from the US and EU.

The envoy commended President Kenyatta’s leadership, saying it has enhanced bilateral relations between Kenya and Zimbabwe as well as many other nations across the continent.