Harare City Council To Give Residential Stands To Councillors

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The Harare City Council (HCC) is set to give its councillors residential stands in line with 2011 ministerial directive which allowed sitting chairperson and mayors to access residential stands in their or adjacent wards.

Minutes of the council’s housing committee reads in part:

The director of housing and community services reported that the circular provided that councillors shall access residential stands in the same local authority at 40 per cent of the cost of the price of the stand for those serving the first term irrespective of whether or not one owns such property prior to assuming public office.

Housing committee chairperson Hammy Madzingira had this to say:

The director of housing is supposed to have started the process last month. Councillors had also felt that city official without residential stands should also be considered for allocation of residential stands.

More: Daily News