gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Fulfil your promises, Zanu-PF candidate told – The Zimbabwe Mail

Fulfil your promises, Zanu-PF candidate told

Daniel Mackenzie Ncube
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MABOLENI-Zanu-PF politburo member Daniel MacKenzie Ncube has implored party candidates to fulfil their campaign promises.

He said this yesterday at his party’s Vungu constituency star rally at Maboleni Business Centre, where he urged Brown Ndlovu to finish outstanding projects initiated by the outgoing legislator Omega Sibanda.

Ndlovu said one of the projects which needs quick attention is the potholed Gweru-Maboleni Road, which is in a bad state.

“You must be a man of action and you should fulfil your promises by starting the construction of the Gweru – Maboleni Road in two weeks. You have resources already, and you should not disappoint voters,” he said.

Ncube also said Sibanda left an outstanding borehole drilling project in several wards.

“These projects were being implemented using devolution funds and you should also complete the projects, “he added.

He also denounced violence and urged traditional leaders to preach peace and despise violent behaviour that can compromise a free and fair electoral process.

“Chiefs are the overseers of the communities. You should preach the gospel of peace and unity amongst your subjects so that we hold a peaceful election,” he said.