gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Former senior Police officer succumbs to Covid 19 – The Zimbabwe Mail

Former senior Police officer succumbs to Covid 19

Leslie Maninge
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Former senior police officer, Assistant Commissioner Leslie Maninge has died.

Asst Comm Maninge succumbed to Covid 19 on Sunday night, his son, Prince, confirmed today. He said mourners were gathered at the family house, number 10 Ironkop in Shurugwi. Prince said his father tested positive for Covid 19 last week and was taking medication.

“He was diabetic and when he was diagnosed with the virus, he continued taking his medication and other additional medication he got from the hospital and he appeared to be on the recovery path.

“His sugar levels suddenly shot up on Sunday and he was attended to but unfortunately passed on that same night,” he said.

He said the family was devastated by the untimely death of Asst Comm Maninge.

“He was a family man well known in the Midlands province where he served for years as a Chief Inspector, Superintendent and Chief Superintendent before he was transferred to other provinces,” he said

Asst Comm Maninge served as the Officer Commanding Traffic in the Midlands and Masvingo regions between 2007 and 2010.

He was then transferred to Bulawayo where he was Officer Commanding Bulawayo Metropolitan District. He was then transferred to Gwanda where he was the Minerals and Border Control Unit Coordinator for Matabeleland South.

He is survived by his wife, Beauty and six children.