gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa’s CCC running out of time, says loyalist – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa’s CCC running out of time, says loyalist

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The main opposition party Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) is running out of time to mobilise resources ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

While the party is appealing to the public, this alone will not help it to form the next government.

Commenting on the issue on his Twitter handle, CCC activist Kuda Musasiwa said time was slipping away for the party to raise enough funds for the coming harmonised elections.

“386 days till election. 210 constitutencies. If each get $50k that means $10million. That means $26k per day needs to be raised (including today). Yes PER DAY. Ps: $50k is NOT enough to win an constituency for the first time. 50k is 10k t-shirts. Kuzoti fuel, posters, food?

Musasiwa added the party was raising funds for the wrong things.

” We keep fund raising for the wrong things. I recommend 1) 20 branded twin cabs for @ChibayaCCC & team. With full time drivers. 2 for each district which all need 200l a week till election: $1.5Million 2) 40k Agents training and PVT system: $2 million 3) regalia cost $1million”, he said.

Kuda Musasiwa’s comments appeared to be aimed at some individuals within the CCC whom he described as gatekeepers who have elbowed him out of his resource mobilisation crusade

Musasiwa played a pivotal role in mobilising resources during the previous by-elections.

However, issues of accountability has since caused his efforts to go off rail.

Kuda Musasiwa (Also known as Begotten Sun) is an entrepreneur, musician and music producer.

Source – Tendai Ruben Mbofana