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Chamisa not looking to form another party

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THE beleagauared Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) asserts its commitment to participating in all elections as the primary means at its disposal to counter the ruling Zanu-PF, despite reservations about the electoral system. Deputy spokesperson Ostallos Siziba emphasizes the party’s determination to use the democratic process to overthrow Zanu-PF through the ballot.

Siziba states, “The CCC’s approach to resistance involves utilizing elections to instigate governmental change. We are a non-violent democratic party that firmly believes elections serve as the mechanism for altering administrations. Whether conducted underwater or on solid ground, we will engage in all elections in the country. As a democratic party, we view elections as the instrument to transform the lives of ordinary citizens and effect changes in governance.”

Certain constituencies are set for by-elections on December 9 to fill vacant seats resulting from the recall of CCC legislators by self-proclaimed Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu. The opposition faces challenges following its defeat in the contentious August elections, which secured President Emmerson Mnangagwa a second term.

Despite calls for a CCC boycott of the by-elections, seen by political observers as a potential means for Zanu-PF to regain a two-thirds majority in Parliament and implement constitutional changes, Siziba maintains their commitment to the electoral process. He explains, “During the election, we ensured unequivocally to thwart Zanu-PF’s pursuit of a two-thirds majority, and that’s why we are facing repercussions. We have resisted the temptation to foster instability in the country because we are a responsible leadership.”

There are indications that CCC leader Chamisa is losing control to Tshabangu, whose leadership is marked by a perceived reign of terror. When asked about the possibility of forming a new opposition party, Siziba responds, “Those offering advice to the party should engage in conversations with the oppressed because this movement is owned by the oppressed. The discourse should involve those who own this movement. Any strategic decisions made by the party are communicated to its people, allowing them to hold their views on the matter. This issue has sparked discussions in our country, capturing the interest of everyone.”

Source – newzimbabwe