gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); CCC sideshow squabbles seen as distraction from pressing national issues – The Zimbabwe Mail

CCC sideshow squabbles seen as distraction from pressing national issues

Welshman Ncube
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Some Zimbabweans have expressed the view that the recent appointments to leadership positions in the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) are merely attempts to divert attention from pressing issues affecting ordinary citizens, such as drought and ongoing demolitions in communal lands.

The party recently appointed Professor Welshman Ncube as the acting president.

Professor Ncube will serve in the position on a rotational basis, along with the other two vice presidents, Tendai Biti and Lynette Karenyi-Kore, until the CCC holds its anticipated elective congress later this year.

During a discussion on This Morning on Asakhe, some participants expressed concern that such actions by the CCC were diverting attention from holding the government accountable for critical issues affecting citizens.

“It’s a painful part of our history as Zimbabwe. When we look at the opposition, they should be strong in holding ZANU-PF accountable. As we speak right now, ZANU-PF is evicting people from their ancestral lands, and the opposition is fighting amongst each other. Nothing is happening in terms of the economy, our leaders are fighting,” said one participant named Bheki.

He criticised Zimbabweans for allowing the political situation within the CCC to persist, questioning how long such internal conflicts would continue to divide the opposition.

Another participant, Gwakuva, lamented that people had been programmed to lose focus, emphasizing that the current confusion within the CCC was detracting attention from more pressing national issues.

“People need to focus and confront the elephant in the room. As for the CCC, let’s wait and see how it goes, but that’s not the real problem,” he concluded.

Source: Cite